Saturday, November 6, 2010

Excellent service at "High Tea", The Sebel Hotel, Tauranga.

Today myself and a couple of friends attended "High Tea" at the Sebel Hotel in Tauranga. We had gotten ourselves vouchers to make it half price and thought we would give it a try.
We went in there not expecting a whole lot, but you know what? It was EXCELLENT!! The service was great,beautiful atmosphere, the drinks were nice and the food was just AWESOME.

Now we don't claim to be classy by any means of the word, however we got ourselves all dolled up, put on some makeup and away we went. We were treated like we belonged there, from the minute we walked in.

I would highly recommend giving this a try to anyone,  and we thought before going, that it wouldn't be worth it for the normal price of $20 per person, but you know what? After actually going, I would love to go back and do it all again, even for the normal price!!

1 comment:

  1. I have one word and one word only: YUM. You've almost tempted me to drive up to Tauranga just to get my mits on those scrumptious sweets! Nom nom!


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