Thursday, November 11, 2010

Christmas Shopping Guide for Those Who Can't Rely on Santa


In the land of Facebook there are Urban Legends... people telling of Christmas Shopping 70% complete. Others who have even wrapped 80% of their 70%... {ahem. Yes. That would be me}

If you haven't started yet, don't worry.
Those of us who have accomplished so much by the end of October... we are freaks of nature. Nerds. And Crowd-a-phobes.

I am a fan of online shopping. I love the one-day deal websites etc etc. So I thought I would start up a linky on a post so we can all share our fav Christmas Shopping sites with those who are a little... er... behind?

I'll link up my favourites and then you link up yours... and leave a comment telling us why you love that website, OK...

Just follow the instructions (it's easy, don't be shy now)...


  1. I don't have a website but a suggestion that worked for me. I found a couple of items I wanted from the same online place and decided to be cheeky. I used the contact button and emailed saying what I was looking to purchase and asked "Any chance of a discount?". And they emailed back a YES and it saved me $20. I know not everyone is comfortable with asking but I figure the worse they will say is no - so not really a big deal!! (Or maybe I am just a born tightass! My Dad is a bargain hunter extraordinaire so I guess it may be genetic)

  2. My favourite is 1-day... which I think is the BEST one-day deal site. I have been scouting deals from there for the last few months and have got some incredible bargains.

    "1-day Out" has given me some great ideas for hubby for Christmas. I've grabbed a scuba diving deal and a SnowPlanet deal (so far)and will present him with vouchers for some great adventures over summer... I'm keeping my eyes pealed for more.

    I also love "The Sniff" which lists ALL the one-day deals for that day. I spotted a bargain Lexmark colour printer/scanner/copier for... $49 including delivery. It's GREAT.

    FELT is fab - if you want a unique handmade gift this is a collection of Kiwi craftspeople and artists. I have bought some beautiful jewellery from a couple of their sellers... gorgeous and very personalised. I requested some earrings to match a necklace and KatiBrown made me 3 pairs to choose from.

    The Remarkable Sweet Shop is perfect for special candy, nostaligia sweets and for people who miss things like Cola Cubes from the UK etc.

  3. How could I forget DigitalMax (aka Snapfish)??
    The produce the BEST quality 12-month photo calendars and Photobooks. They also do mugs, photo canvases, photo christmas cards, baubles snowglobes etc etc.

    If you register you will get all their deals sent to your inbox... at the moment it's 2-for-1 canvas prints and photo books. Brilliant gifts for grandparents and family overseas.

  4. Oh what a FANTASTIC idea. But you beat me to the punch ;-) - I was gonna post about Snapfish. I've just created 2 what I hope to be BEE-UU-TI-FUL 60 page photobooks for the grandparents. Instead of costing $200 I got them both for $100.

    And also did the calendars at 30 or 40% off so got 3 for $75...BARGAIN!!
    That's most of the family sorted :-)

    And I'm keeping my on 1-dayout for some other members too :-)

    But if I think of any more I'll add to the list for sure!

  5. Felt is incredible. We're getting all our Xmas pressies from them. I love the originality of it all plus the fact that you're buying locally made stuff from locally made people!

  6. Oh you're all way ahead of me! I am the world's worst shopper. I get easily confused with lots of choices and can't decide. I have to have definitive lists and a plan of shops to go to. I do have two rolls of wrapping paper though and about 4 presents sorted. it's a good start... for me :-)

    xx Jazzy

  7. OOps.. that last comment is from me... Jazzygal. I'm signed in under my son's blog for some reason!! xx Jazzy

  8. How funny, I was literally coming on to Undercover Bloggers to check out your previous post on the 1-day et al sites to see what others I had missed. I haven't bought a single thing for Christmas and I'm trying not to worry!!! I'm thinking about going online to the Word Bookstore (Christian store to get some stocking fillers for the girls. I'll let you know if I find any other good ones!


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